
R$ 979.000


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Apartamento-Para venda-51 Rua Libório Glasser, Jardim Marajoara, São Paulo, São Paulo

  • Area útil/total  10.955m² / 23.577m²

  • Quartos:   4

  • Suites:  1 Suite

  • Garagens:  2

  • Banheiros:  3


Última atualização: | Ref: 602141062-GK1

Private Tower, 2 apartments per floor. Corner of Rua Sócrates and Rua Moliére overlooking the afforestation of Jardim Marajoara!
110m² with 360-degree view, well distributed in 3 bedrooms with 1 suite, spacious living rooms with balcony, reversible for 4 bedrooms, toilet, bathroom, kitchen, service area with bedroom, bathroom and laundry. 2 parking spaces. High quality construction standard overlooking the tree-lined neighborhood of Marajoara. Corner of Socrates Street and Moliére Street. Have the practicality of the best shops and schools in the region combined with the charm and tranquility of this coveted neighborhood.
Precisely 109.55 m2 of free view of the neighborhood. The dining and living room are extended and integrated into the veranda. 3 living rooms, one just for TV! Have the pleasure of living in the apartment of the engineer who built this development of remarkable quality.
We have a spacious dining room, living room and TV attached to the balcony. Kitchen full of cabinets, laundry room with pantry, service room and bathroom. All rooms with natural lighting and plenty of ventilation.
Condominium with monitored 24-hour electronic concierge, swimming pool, ballroom, gym, and sports court; Surrounded by a green area, with a beautiful garden that allows walking inside the condominium.
Travessa da Rua Sócrates, opposite Rua Moliére, next to Colégio Magno, this street has the tranquility of Jardim Marajoara, surrounded by green areas. This privilege is choice!
This neighborhood has all the practicality of local businesses, schools such as Santa Maria, Suiço Brasileiro, Chapel, Objective, Anglo, Senac College, Shopping SP Market, Interlagos and Morumbi. Easy access to the main roads in the region.
Located in the south zone of São Paulo, Jardim Marajoara is one of the green lungs of São Paulo. It is next to Chácara Flora, Alto da Boa Vista and Campo Grande. Close to Avenida Sargento Geraldo Santana, Avenida das Nações Unidas, Avenida Interlagos and Avenida Washington Luís, known for the North-South axiscorridor.
A neighborhood that only grows. Parque do Cordeiro and also close to the banks of the beautiful Guarapiranga Dam, here we have many parks that invite you to beautiful weekends surrounded by nature. Quality of life and great cost benefit. -19

Descrição completa

Área privativa

  • Lavanderia

  • Sacada

Área comum

  • Bicicletário

  • Academia

  • Jardim

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Imóveis no mesmo endereço
Rua Libório Glasser, 51



Area util





Apartamento para Venda em São Paulo, Jardim Marajoara, 4 dormitórios, 1 suíte, 3 banheiros, 2 vagas


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R$ 979.000

