Seven Residence
COP 30Residencial Seven ResidenceAmplo apartamento, com 02 suítes com Split e Armários, 02 vagas de garagem, sala para 02 ambientes, ótima e espaçosa sacada gourmet, lavabo, copa/cozinha, área, quarto e banheiro de serviço.Três televisões todas smart, com acesso à internet e TV a cabo, um frigobar em uma suítegeladeira na cozinha um purificador de águauma máquina de lavar que lava e secauma máquina de café expressopanelas e louças de cozinhauma air fryeruma máquina de pão e uma pipoqueira eletrônica.Prédio com:Guarita Blindada04 elevadoresGerador*Disponibilidade de 15 a 30 dias*Hospedagem: 2 a 4 pessoas Valor da Diária R$ 13.260,00Seven ResidenceSpacious apartment, with 02 suites with Split System and cupboards, 02 parking spaces, living room for 02 environments, great and spacious gourmet balcony, toilet, kitchen, laundry area, bedroom and bathroom.Three smart TVs, all with internet access and cable TV, a minibar in one suiterefrigerator in the kitchen a water purifiera washing machine that washes and driesan espresso machinepans and kitchenwarean air fryera bread machine and an electronic popcorn popper.Building with:Shielded guardhouse04 elevatorsGenerator*Availability from 15 to 30 days*Accommodation: 2 to 4 people Daily rate R$ 13.260,00Seven ResidenceSpacious apartment, with 02 suites with Split System and cupboards, 02 parking spaces, living room for 02 environments, great and spacious gourmet balcony, toilet, kitchen, laundry area, bedroom and bathroom.Three smart TVs, all with internet access and cable TV, a minibar in one suiterefrigerator in the kitchen a water purifiera washing machine that washes and driesan espresso machinepans and kitchenwarean air fryera bread machine and an electronic popcorn popper.Building with:Shielded guardhouse04 elevatorsGenerator*Availability from 15 to 30 days*Accommodation: 2 to 4 people Daily rate R$ 13.260,00Seven ResidenceSpacious apartment, with 02 suites with Split System and cupboards, 02 parking spaces, living room for 02 environments, great and spacious gourmet balcony, toilet, kitchen, laundry area, bedroom and bathroom.Three smart TVs, all with internet access and cable TV, a minibar in one suiterefrigerator in the kitchen a water purifiera washing machine that washes and driesan espresso machinepans and kitchenwarean air fryera bread machine and an electronic popcorn popper.Building with:Shielded guardhouse04 elevatorsGenerator*Availability from 15 to 30 days*Accommodation: 2 to 4 people Daily rate R$ 13.260,00